With the development of society, economy and the increase of communication between countries, international trade has become a comprehensive course with strong comprehensive knowledge. However, due to the weak learning base, low interest in learning and limited practical training resources of students in secondary vocational schools, the international trade course has certain problems and difficulties in the teaching process.

In the teaching activities of teachers from the planning, implementation, feedback three aspects to carry out the following teaching reform attempts to help students establish a strong interest in learning, training students’ professional skills and comprehensive knowledge ability, and promote the development of international trade education and teaching.

Teaching plan innovation – comprehensive improvement of students’ comprehensive skills

In order to comprehensively improve students’ comprehensive skills and change the state of students’ emphasis on professional courses rather than cultural courses that existed in the teaching of secondary education in the past, when formulating the teaching plan of international trade, teachers take the project as the basis to improve students’ comprehensive knowledge and skills as the goal, and use the project teaching to drive the learning of professional courses and cultural courses to go hand in hand and improve students’ professional skills while focusing on deepening students’ basic cultural quality.

At the same time, adhere to the “ability-based, social needs” as the guide, the curriculum and the needs of enterprises, the establishment of a standardized and perfect international trade professional teaching system. In addition, on the basis of ensuring theoretical teaching, increase the practical training hours, and develop a synchronous practical training teaching plan and program outline, laying a good foundation for specialized skills teaching.

Teaching method reform – fully cultivate students’ interest in learning

1.Case teaching – Cultivate students’ ability to analyze and solve problems

International trade involves complex knowledge content, covering a wide range of international norms, which is difficult for school students to understand and accept, after all, students still have a certain distance from society.

In response to this situation, teachers in the international teaching more case teaching method to simplify and visualize the problem, thus reducing the difficulty of students’ understanding of the course, while cultivating students’ ability to analyze and solve problems. Teachers have implemented the case teaching method in the following aspects.

(1) Case introduction before class.

Theoretical knowledge of international trade is relatively dry, so teachers usually prepare some simple and typical international trade cases close to the content of the lesson before class, and set up problems for students to discuss. Due to the limited foundation of students, they may not be able to analyze or fully analyze in the process of discussion, then the teacher will guide them properly and help them to analyze, which cultivates their ability to think independently.

In this case, the teacher’s requirements are relatively high, so the teacher prepares the case before the class with sufficient knowledge, and this process also improves the teacher’s own knowledge.

(2) The use of cases in the class.

The case teaching in the process of teaching can be better status theory teaching “to solve the problem”. Pure theory will make students feel very boring, tedious feeling, not only not interested and difficult to understand and digest. Therefore, the teacher will explain the theoretical knowledge and throw out the cases prepared in the course of lesson preparation, and the students will discuss and analyze the content of the lesson, and summarize and summarize it, so that the students can better understand the problem.

During the discussion, the teacher should correctly grasp the direction of the discussion and actively guide it, and encourage students to express their own ideas and opinions to cultivate students’ divergent thinking ability.

(3) Classroom exercises.

The application of case study teaching should be carried out throughout the whole lecture process. In classroom practice, case study is a good test method for the effectiveness of classroom teaching. After each lesson of lecture, teachers will prepare some cases or instruct students to prepare some cases before class, so that students can digest the content of the class and try to absorb it on the spot.

This deepens the students’ understanding of knowledge, reduces their burden after class, and creates a good classroom atmosphere, which is loved by students.

2.Skill competition – cultivating students’ teamwork spirit

Although the enthusiasm and initiative of secondary school students in learning are not strong, the enthusiasm shown by students in various activities is very worthy of recognition. Seizing this characteristic of students, in the teaching process of international trade, teachers use skills competition to help students cultivate interest in learning and improve basic knowledge and professional skills.

(1) clever grouping, drive student enthusiasm.

Strong sense of collective honor is another characteristic of this age group of students, so teachers can be before class through the “poker draw”, “odd and even number grouping”, “birth month grouping” and other students (2) To be the students’ “group”.

(2) Be a “helper” for the students and help them build confidence.

In this way, students will feel “confident” before the skills competition and avoid “mute” during the question answering process. “(3) Multiple forms of competition

(3) A variety of forms of competition, to cultivate students’ awareness of participation and positive mindset.

Before the start of the competition, a representative from each group can be chosen to answer the compulsory questions and the robotic questions by drawing lots. Another way of skill competition is “you give me an answer” – as the name implies, each group has to give their opponents questions, requiring the questions to be within the prescribed range, but also to try to “defeat “opponents, and at the same time to prepare a standard answer in order to convince each other. If the opponent gets the question right, the opponent will get extra points; if the opponent is difficult, the questioner will get extra points, and the final winning group will be selected and rewarded.

In this way, students not only in the “competitive” mentality and a strong sense of honor to complete the memory of the knowledge learned, but also to cultivate the spirit of teamwork, the question group in the process of preparing the standard answer to deepen the memory of the basics of international trade, the group will also be difficult to find ways to carry out “snow shame”, a process that in turn improves the accuracy of the students’ knowledge mastery.

At the same time, the skills competition process students know more about the importance of the team, the significance of cooperation, and enhance the students’ sense of teamwork.

School-enterprise cooperation – a good continuation of students’ skills training

As a good way to test teaching, practical skills are more important. As the on-campus practical training base has small scale and limited practical training projects, teachers actively contact with enterprises to establish off-campus internship base and organize students to practice and internship in enterprises.

In the process of practice, students fully experience the working atmosphere and process of enterprises in the real working environment, and apply what they have learned, and learn a lot of new knowledge and skills under the guidance of enterprise “masters”, and some students, due to their outstanding performance during the internship, are recognized by the unit leaders and colleagues, and successfully stay in the enterprise. This school-enterprise cooperation not only improves the professional skills of teachers and students, but also solves the employment problem of some students, which is welcomed by students and enterprises.

With the application of several methods like this, students’ attitudes are positive, learning is easy, grades improve, and they show more and more sparkle, while teachers, in turn, reap the benefits of students’ continuous progress and a relaxed classroom atmosphere.